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- Total: 9
Flexible oil resistant cable is resistant to the effects of chemicals and acids. The finely stranded structure in combination with PVC sheath provides a very flexible cable with a small bending radius. The cable is fitted with a screen of tinned braided copper wire, which protects against mechanical loads and in particular all shields electrical freqvencly as well inside and outside the cable (EMC Directive).
It is used as command and control cable, and in industrial machinery, in cooling and ventilation as well as in computer and signal systems.
Can be used in dry and wet areas.
Conductor: Blank stranded copper
Conductor insulation: PVC
Conductor identification: Black with white numbers mark. Green-yellow protective conductors
Inner Sheath: PVC
Screen: Tinned copper braid
Outer Sheath: PVC
Sheath Colour: Transparent
Technical data:
Rating voltage: 300/500 V
Test voltage: 3000 V
Minimum bending radius: 6 x cable diameter
Temperature range: Fixed min/max: -40ºC to +70ºC (-40ºF to +158ºF)
Moving min/max: -5ºC to +70ºC (+23ºF to +158ºF)
Radiation Best: 8 x 10 7 [/ sup] cJ / kg
Minimum bending radius: 6 x cable diameter
Oil resistance: Good
Flame resistance: IEC 332-1
Approvals: Meets Swedish and European standards asSS EN 60204
- Number of cores:
- 3-25 .
- Material core insulation:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Specification core insulation:
- Other
- Core identification:
- Numbers
- Protective conductor:
- Yes
- Material outer sheath:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Specification material outer sheath:
- Other
- Colour outer sheath:
- Other
- Flame retardant:
- According to IEC/EN 60332-1-2
- Permitted cable outer temperature after assembling without vibration:
- -30-70 °C
- Conductor material:
- Copper
- Twisted cores:
- No
- Max. conductor temperature:
- 70 °C
- Screen:
- Yes
- Protective barrier:
- N/A
- Armouring/reinforcement:
- Braiding
- Insulation integrity:
- N/A
- Drain wire:
- No
- Nominal voltage:
- 500 V
- Halogen free:
- No
- Conductor category:
- Class 5 = flexible
- Colour:
- Transparent
- Material insulation:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Operating temperature:
- -40-70 °C
- Core colour:
- Several
- Conductor surface:
- Bare
- Halogen free:
- No
- Min. permitted bending radius, stationary application/permanent installation:
- 31.6-66.4 mm
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Class:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Smoke production:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Flaming droplets/particles:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Acidity:
- N/A
- Low smoke (according to EN 61034-2):
- No
- Low temperature resistant (according to EN 60811-504+505+506):
- No
- Oil resistant according to EN IEC 60811-404:
- No
RADOX AUTO B - Multi conductor red Tinned
Shielded power cable for use in hybrid and electric vehicles (FHLR91XC13X & FHLR4GC13X)
Excellent resistance to high and low temperature, ozone and weather resistance, resistant to high pressure temperature, engine oil, fuels and hydrolysis, flame retardant, high abrasion resistant, solder resistant, easy to strip and process, according to ISO 6722 class D, LV 112, ISO 14572, LV 212, DIN 76722.
Complies with EU Directive 2000/53 / EC on end-of-life vehicles. It is free of lead, mercury, cadmium and chromium VI.
Low voltage cable, for use in trucks, among other things.
CAUTION: Special care must be taken for cables used with voltages above 60 VDC to protect them from mechanical stress to avoid shocks (ISO 6722: 2006)
Conductor: Annealed copper according to ISO C flexible 6
Conductor insulation: 155 (polyolefin)
Coat color: Orange
Technical data:
Operating voltage: 1000VAC 1500VDC
Test voltage: 50HZ, 1MIN 3500 kV AC
Temp. range: -40ºC to + 150ºC (3000H)
Minimum bending radius: 4x the diameter of the cable
Approvals, Standards:
ISO 6722 class D iSO 19642-9
- Number of cores:
- 3 .
- Colour outer sheath:
- Orange
- Nominal voltage:
- 1000 V
- Single insulated/Double insulated:
- Double insulated
- Colour:
- Orange
- Material insulation:
- Polyolefin (POE)
- Operating temperature:
- -40-150 °C
- Conductor surface:
- Tinned
- Halogen free:
- Yes
Flexibel oljebeständig kabel med god beständighet mot inverkan av kemikalier, syror och lutar. Den fintrådiga uppbyggnaden i kombination med PVC-manteln ger en mycket elastisk kabel.
Kabeln är försedd med en skärm av förtent flätad koppartråd, som skyddar mot mekanisk belastning och framförallt avskärmar elektriska störningar såväl inom som utanför kabeln (EMC-direktivet).
Kabeln används som styr- och manöverkabel på och i industrimaskiner, i kyl- och ventilationsanläggningar.
Kabeln kan användas både inne och utomhus vid beaktan av temperaturområde. Vid förläggning i mark skall kabelskyddsrör användas.
Märkspänning: Uo/U 0,6/1kV
Ledaruppbyggnad: Klass 5 = mångtrådig blank koppar
Ledarisolering: PVC
Ledarfärg/Ledarmärkning: Svart med vit nummermärkning. Skydds ledare Grön/Gul
Innermantel: PVC svart
Skärm: Fläta av förtent koppartråd
Yttermantel: PVC svart
Böjradie vid fast förläggning: 20 x kabeldiametern
Min temperatur vid fast förläggning: -30°C
Max temperatur vid fast förläggning: +70°C
Min temperatur vid rörlig förläggning: -15°C
Max temperatur vid rörlig förläggning: +70°C
Provspänning: 4000V
Brandspridningsklass: IEC 60 332-1 (F2)
Tillverkningsnorm: VDE 0295, IEC 60228
Godkännande enl. EN 50525-2 51
- Number of cores:
- 12 .
- Nominal voltage:
- 1000 V
- Colour:
- Black
- Material insulation:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Operating temperature:
- -40-70 °C
- Conductor surface:
- Bare
- Halogen free:
- No
Den fintrådiga uppbyggnaden i kombination med PUR-manteln ger en mycket elastisk kabel med liten böjradie. Ytterhöljet av polyuretan möjliggör en mycket liten kabelytterdiameter, höga mekaniska påfrestningar kan motstås. Kabeln är nötningssäker, mikrobeständig och flamsäker. Lämplig för användning i kabelkedjor och kontinuerligt rörliga maskiner samt portalrobotar.
Uppbyggnad Ledare: Blank flertrådig koppar cl.6
Ledarisolation: PELON®2
Ledarfärg: Svart med vit nummermärkning. Gröngul skyddsledare
Skärm: Fleece och flätad koppartråd
Ledare: Blank flertrådig koppar klass 6.
Ledarisolation: PP
Ledarfärg - PUR: Svart eller vit med vit eller svart
nummermärkning. G=Gröngul skyddsledare. X=Nummermärkt
Ledarfärg - PURWIL: Färgade ledare enl. HD 308
Gröngul skyddsledare
Ledarfärg - Partvinnade: DIN47100
Yttermantel: PUR, PURWIL
Mantelfärg: Grå
Teknisk data:
Driftspänning: 300/500 V
Provspänning: 3000 V
Kabelarea: 0.5mm²-70mm²
Temp. område: Fast förläggning min/max: -40ºC till +90ºC
Rörlig förläggning min/max: -40ºC till +90ºC
Minsta böjradie: 5 x kabelns diameter
Oljebeständighet: God
Flambeständighet: IEC 332-1
Godkännanden: DIN EN 60811-404
VDE 0482 del 332-2-2 resp. IEC 60332-2-2
Tillämpade standarder: liknande VDE 0250
- Number of cores:
- 4-20 .
- Material core insulation:
- Polyurethane (PUR)
- Specification core insulation:
- Other
- Core identification:
- Colour
- Protective conductor:
- No
- Material outer sheath:
- Polyurethane (PUR)
- Specification material outer sheath:
- Other
- Colour outer sheath:
- Grey
- Flame retardant:
- According to IEC/EN 60332-1-2
- Permitted cable outer temperature after assembling without vibration:
- -40-90 °C
- Conductor material:
- Copper
- Twisted cores:
- No
- Max. conductor temperature:
- 90 °C
- Screen:
- Yes
- Armouring/reinforcement:
- Braiding
- Drain wire:
- No
- Nominal voltage:
- 500 V
- Halogen free:
- Yes
- Conductor category:
- Class 6 = very flexible
- Colour:
- Grey
- Material insulation:
- Polyurethane (PUR)
- Operating temperature:
- -40-90 °C
- Core colour:
- Several
- Conductor surface:
- Bare
- Halogen free:
- Yes
- Min. permitted bending radius, stationary application/permanent installation:
- 111 mm
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Class:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Smoke production:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Flaming droplets/particles:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Acidity:
- N/A
- Low smoke (according to EN 61034-2):
- No
- Low temperature resistant (according to EN 60811-504+505+506):
- No
- Oil resistant according to EN IEC 60811-404:
- No
NELCOFLEX-CY (EMC) - Korta längder
Flexible oil resistant cable is resistant to the effects of chemicals and acids. The finely stranded structure in combination with PVC sheath provides a very flexible cable with a small bending radius. The cable is fitted with a screen of tinned braided copper wire, which protects against mechanical loads and in particular all shields electrical freqvencly as well inside and outside the cable (EMC Directive).
It is used as command and control cable, and in industrial machinery, in cooling and ventilation as well as in computer and signal systems.
Can be used in dry and wet areas.
Conductor: Blank stranded copper
Conductor insulation: PVC
Conductor identification: Black with white numbers mark. Green-yellow protective conductors
Inner Sheath: PVC
Screen: Tinned copper braid
Outer Sheath: PVC
Sheath Colour: Transparent
Technical data:
Rating voltage: 300/500 V
Test voltage: 3000 V
Minimum bending radius: 6 x cable diameter
Temperature range: Fixed min/max: -40ºC to +70ºC (-40ºF to +158ºF)
Moving min/max: -5ºC to +70ºC (+23ºF to +158ºF)
Radiation Best: 8 x 10 7 [/ sup] cJ / kg
Minimum bending radius: 6 x cable diameter
Oil resistance: Good
Flame resistance: IEC 332-1
Approvals: Meets Swedish and European standards asSS EN 60204
- Number of cores:
- 2-50 .
- Material core insulation:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Specification core insulation:
- Other
- Core identification:
- Numbers
- Protective conductor:
- Yes, No
- Material outer sheath:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Specification material outer sheath:
- Other
- Colour outer sheath:
- Other
- Flame retardant:
- According to IEC/EN 60332-1-2
- Permitted cable outer temperature after assembling without vibration:
- -30-70 °C
- Conductor material:
- Copper
- Twisted cores:
- No
- Max. conductor temperature:
- 70 °C
- Screen:
- Yes
- Protective barrier:
- N/A
- Armouring/reinforcement:
- Braiding
- Insulation integrity:
- N/A
- Drain wire:
- No
- Nominal voltage:
- 500 V
- Halogen free:
- No
- Conductor category:
- Class 5 = flexible
- Colour:
- Transparent
- Material insulation:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Operating temperature:
- -40-70 °C
- Core colour:
- Several
- Conductor surface:
- Bare
- Halogen free:
- No
- Min. permitted bending radius, stationary application/permanent installation:
- 31.6-105.6 mm
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Class:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Smoke production:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Flaming droplets/particles:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Acidity:
- N/A
- Low smoke (according to EN 61034-2):
- No
- Low temperature resistant (according to EN 60811-504+505+506):
- No
- Oil resistant according to EN IEC 60811-404:
- No
Flexible oil resistant cable is resistant to the effects of chemicals and acids. The finely stranded structure in combination with PVC sheath provides a very flexible cable with a small bending radius. The cable is fitted with a screen of tinned braided copper wire, which protects against mechanical loads and in particular all shields electrical freqvencly as well inside and outside the cable (EMC Directive).
It is used as command and control cable, and in industrial machinery, in cooling and ventilation as well as in computer and signal systems.
Can be used in dry and wet areas.
Conductor: Blank stranded copper
Conductor insulation: PVC
Conductor identification: Black with white numbers mark. Green-yellow protective conductors
Inner Sheath: PVC
Screen: Tinned copper braid
Outer Sheath: PVC
Sheath Colour: Transparent
Technical data:
Rating voltage: 300/500 V
Test voltage: 3000 V
Minimum bending radius: 6 x cable diameter
Temperature range: Fixed min/max: -40ºC to +70ºC (-40ºF to +158ºF)
Moving min/max: -5ºC to +70ºC (+23ºF to +158ºF)
Radiation Best: 8 x 10 7 [/ sup] cJ / kg
Minimum bending radius: 6 x cable diameter
Oil resistance: Good
Flame resistance: IEC 332-1
Approvals: Meets Swedish and European standards asSS EN 60204
- Number of cores:
- 2-25 .
- Material core insulation:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Specification core insulation:
- Other
- Core identification:
- Numbers
- Protective conductor:
- Yes, No
- Material outer sheath:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Specification material outer sheath:
- Other
- Colour outer sheath:
- Other
- Flame retardant:
- According to IEC/EN 60332-1-2
- Permitted cable outer temperature after assembling without vibration:
- -30-70 °C
- Conductor material:
- Copper
- Twisted cores:
- No
- Max. conductor temperature:
- 70 °C
- Screen:
- Yes
- Protective barrier:
- N/A
- Armouring/reinforcement:
- Braiding
- Insulation integrity:
- N/A
- Drain wire:
- No
- Nominal voltage:
- 500 V
- Halogen free:
- No
- Conductor category:
- Class 5 = flexible
- Colour:
- Transparent
- Material insulation:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Operating temperature:
- -40-70 °C
- Core colour:
- Several
- Conductor surface:
- Bare
- Halogen free:
- No
- Min. permitted bending radius, stationary application/permanent installation:
- 30.4-153.2 mm
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Class:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Smoke production:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Flaming droplets/particles:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Acidity:
- N/A
- Low smoke (according to EN 61034-2):
- No
- Low temperature resistant (according to EN 60811-504+505+506):
- No
- Oil resistant according to EN IEC 60811-404:
- No
Amerikansk kabeltillverkare av nätverks-, anslutnings kabel .
Coax & Triax kabel
Fiberoptisk kabel
canbus kabel
- Number of cores:
- 1-4 .
- Material core insulation:
- Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Specification core insulation:
- Polyethylene (PE), Other
- Core identification:
- Colour
- Protective conductor:
- No
- Material outer sheath:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), None
- Specification material outer sheath:
- Other
- Colour outer sheath:
- Other
- Permitted cable outer temperature after assembling without vibration:
- -25-80 °C
- Conductor material:
- Copper
- Twisted cores:
- Yes
- Max. conductor temperature:
- 80 °C
- Screen:
- Yes
- Protective barrier:
- N/A
- Armouring/reinforcement:
- Other
- Insulation integrity:
- N/A
- Drain wire:
- No
- Halogen free:
- No
- Conductor category:
- Class 5 = flexible
- Core colour:
- Several
- Conductor surface:
- Bare
- Halogen free:
- No
- Min. permitted bending radius, stationary application/permanent installation:
- 3.048-34.848 mm
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Class:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Smoke production:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Flaming droplets/particles:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Acidity:
- N/A
- Low smoke (according to EN 61034-2):
- No
- Low temperature resistant (according to EN 60811-504+505+506):
- No
- Oil resistant according to EN IEC 60811-404:
- No
Flexibel kabel för användning till servomotorsystem från ledande tillverkare.Kombination av ledare för kraft och signalöverföring. Termoskydd och bromsskydd kan t.ex. integreras med kraftmatningen. Längre ledningsdragningar är möjliga tack vare en design med låg kapacitans. Utrymmes- och viktbesparande installationer tack vare liten kabeldiameter. Skärm av flätad koppar skyddar kabeln mot elektromagnetiska störningar.
EMC-kompatibel anslutning mellan frekvensomriktare och frekvensomformare för normala krav i dragkedjeapplikationer, rörliga drivsystem, inom robotteknik och tillverkningsanläggningar. Lämplig för användning i torra och fuktiga rum.
Ledare: Blank flertrådig koppar cl.6
Ledarisolation: PELON®2
Ledarfärg: Svart med vit nummermärkning. Gröngul skyddsledare
Innermantel: PVC
Skärm: Fleece och flätad koppartråd
Yttermantel: PVC
Mantelfärg: Orange eller Grå
Teknisk data:
Märkspänning: Uo/U0,6/1kV
Märkspänning: Uo/U enligt UL/CSA600/1000V
Provspänning: 4kV
Kabelarea: 0.5mm²-16mm²
Temp. område: Fast förläggning min/max: -30ºC till +80ºC
Rörlig förläggning min/max: -5ºC till +80ºC
Ledarmotstånd vid +20°C enl. till IEC 60228 cl. 6
Isolationsmotstånd vid 20° C ≥ 20 G Ohm x km
Minsta böjradie: 5 x kabelns diameter fast förlagd
10x kabels diameter rörligt förlagd
Oljebeständighet: Enl: ISO 6722, EN 60811-404 (endast mineral olja)
Flambeständighet: Självsläckande och flamskyddande enl. till IEC 60332-1; UL: VW1; CSA: FT1.
Godkännanden: Uppfyller svensk och europeisk standard enligt SS EN 60204 UL/CSA.
- Number of cores:
- 4 .
- Nominal voltage:
- 1000 V
- Colour:
- Grey
- Material insulation:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Operating temperature:
- -40-70 °C
- Conductor surface:
- Bare
- Halogen free:
- No
- Availability:
- Number of cores:
- 5 .
- Material core insulation:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Specification core insulation:
- Other
- Core identification:
- Numbers
- Protective conductor:
- Yes
- Material outer sheath:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Specification material outer sheath:
- Other
- Colour outer sheath:
- Other
- Flame retardant:
- According to IEC/EN 60332-1-2
- Permitted cable outer temperature after assembling without vibration:
- -30-70 °C
- Conductor material:
- Copper
- Twisted cores:
- No
- Max. conductor temperature:
- 70 °C
- Screen:
- Yes
- Protective barrier:
- N/A
- Armouring/reinforcement:
- Braiding
- Insulation integrity:
- N/A
- Drain wire:
- No
- Nominal voltage:
- 500 V
- Halogen free:
- No
- Conductor category:
- Class 5 = flexible
- Colour:
- Transparent
- Material insulation:
- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Operating temperature:
- -40-70 °C
- Core colour:
- Several
- Conductor surface:
- Bare, Tinned
- Halogen free:
- No
- Min. permitted bending radius, stationary application/permanent installation:
- 86 mm
- Approved according to SS EN 60204:
- Yes
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Class:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Smoke production:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Flaming droplets/particles:
- N/A
- Reaction-to-fire according to EN 13501-6: Acidity:
- N/A
- Low smoke (according to EN 61034-2):
- No
- Low temperature resistant (according to EN 60811-504+505+506):
- No
- Oil resistant according to EN IEC 60811-404:
- No
- Total: 9