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- Total: 4
High Bay Ufo - Dali
Luminaires for industrial use, garages, warehouses, gymnasiums etc. This luminaire is newly developed and very compact in size, perfect for modern buildings where there are lots of other components and installations that must fit.
Technical data:
Diodes: Nichia
Performance: 150 lm / W
Power: 40-200 W.
Dimmable: Yes
IP rating: IP65
Light beam spread: 60-120°. See below.
Driver: On/Off, 0-10 V or Dali. See below.
Color temp: 3500-4500 K (Standard), other color temperatures per customer request.
Warranty: 5 years.
Options: Can be mounted with different types of holders, chains, motion detectors, light sensors etc.
High Bay Linear - Dali
Luminaires for industrial use, garages, warehouses, gymnasiums etc. The oblong design makes this product very appropriate for being mounted between shelves and in aisles for forklifts.
Technical data:
Diodes: Nichia
Performance: 140 lm / W
Power: 50-240 W. Can be mounted in double rows for 240-480 W.
Dimmable: Yes
IP rating: IP65
Light beam spread: 80 x 40° or 130 x 55°. See below.
Driver: On/Off, 0-10 V or Dali. See below.
Color temp: 3500-4500 K (Standard), other color temperatures per customer request.
Warranty: 5 years.
Options: Can be mounted with different types of holders, chains, motion detectors, light sensors etc.
High Bay Ufo - OnOff
Armaturer för lager, industrier, garage, idrottshallar mm. Armaturen är helt nyutvecklad och i mycket kompakt storlek, perfekt för moderna byggnader där mycket installationer som sprinkler, värmeelement, elstegar mm skall få plats.
Dioder: Seoul
Prestanda: 160 lm / W
Effekt: 60-200 W
Dimbar: Nej
IP-klass: IP65
Ljusvinkel: 120° standard. 60° / 90° vid förfrågan.
Drivdon: Av / På
Ljustemperatur: 3500-4500 K (Standard), övriga på förfrågan.
Garanti: 5 år
High Bay Linear - OnOff
Luminaires for industrial use, garages, warehouses, gymnasiums etc. The oblong design makes this product very appropriate for being mounted between shelves and in aisles for forklifts.
Technical data:
Diodes: Nichia
Performance: 140 lm / W
Power: 50-240 W. Can be mounted in double rows for 240-480 W.
Dimmable: Yes
IP rating: IP65
Light beam spread: 80 x 40° or 130 x 55°. See below.
Driver: On/Off, 0-10 V or Dali. See below.
Color temp: 3500-4500 K (Standard), other color temperatures per customer request.
Warranty: 5 years.
Options: Can be mounted with different types of holders, chains, motion detectors, light sensors etc.
- Total: 4